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Past Events

The Dracula: When Art meets Myth

Birmingham City University’s Romanian Society and Bran Castle have the utmost pleasure to announce the ‘Dracula: When Art Meets Myth’ exhibition, which takes place on the 2nd of April, in Centrala, Birmingham City Centre. From 5 P.M. everyone can enjoy a Dracula Cocktail while being delighted by a collection of art and music.

The exhibition aims to challenge the history behind the famous story of Dracula through a fascinating display of contemporary art. In order to create the perfect equilibrium between history and art, we aim to unveil the real story buried for more than half of a millennium in myth.


Make sure you get your free ticket at: or by clicking the poster below.

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This event is made as part of the promotional campaign for the Birmingham City University Romanian Society (BCU RoSoc).

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I Love Longbridge is a two part event, made up of a workshop aimed at primary school children and an exhibition to showcase the children’s work. The I Love Longbridge workshop took place on the 2nd of December 2015. The main goal was to create a workshop for primary school pupils to express themselves through art, to show what Longbridge means to them and to learn about the environment. This lead them to design a bag for life, which will be displayed in the stores in Longbridge and exhibited in spring. We also had help from Divine Mabika, Lowri Williams, Rebecca Hung and Pierre Gama.

We would like to thank St Columba's School in Longbridge for their help.

We would also like to thank the Longbridge Public Art Project (LPAP) for this amazing opportunity and their incredible support!

Nature Exposed was an arts exhibition that took place on Arbor Day – the 24th of April 2015 – at the Parkside Building of Birmingham City University. It was curated by DA Events, an arts exhibition project started and run by DA Events. The first edition of the exhibition pushed the boundaries of photography, design, and imagination, aiming to raise awareness for ecology and Earth issues.
"Where once stood just an average University room painted in an uninspiring dull grey, now stands a vibrant photography exhibition from inspiring, talented artists that view the world around them in a creative and unique way. This vibrant array of colours that inspire a look back at nature, at a both peaceful and untameable entity, makes us contemplate its powerful and fragile beauty. “Nature Exposed” aims to show nature from the point of view of highly talented artists with different visions and to raise awareness of environmental issues.

In March 2014, we had to present an event proposal for a fictional event. We chose to organise a rock festival, thus Rock the District was born.



In November 2013, as part of a university project, we had to hold a press conference for a fictional product that we invented for a real company. We chose Apple, and decided to invent iHouse, the device that helps one with their everyday tasks. 



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